Home » Safeguarding
The safety of our students is our number one priority. Students are supervised at all times by staff during the school day, both on-site and whilst on educational visits. All staff wear lanyards at all times. Staff members man the school gates at the start and end of the day.
Entry to the school for visitors is restricted by an electronic fob system. Once on the school site, all visitors are registered and wear an identification lanyard. Visitors without DBS clearance are supervised at all times.
We have a ‘safeguarding culture’ at The Swan. All staff are trained to look out for possible signs of child abuse and to know what to do if they suspect a child is at risk. We also make it clear to students who they should talk to and what to do if they are having any problems.
If you have any concerns about the safety or well-being of one of our students or a member of staff at the school, please contact one of our safeguarding leads:
You can also use the Green Button to alert us to a concern.
We help to keep students safe by:
- Having an up-to-date Child Protection Policy
- Having other safeguarding policies, such as anti-bullying and e-safety
- Checking the suitability of all our staff to work with children
- Encouraging students to tell us if something is wrong (via the Green Button)
- Adhering to health and safety regulations
- Training all our staff to recognise and respond to child welfare concerns
- Appointing designated people who has additional training in child protection
- Working in partnership with parents and carers
- Sharing information with appropriate agencies if we have concerns
- Managing and supporting our staff team