Help & Advice for Students

Need To Let Someone Know About A Concern?

The Green Button allows members of The Swan School community – students, staff, or parents/carers – to contact by email the individual responsible for safeguarding at the school. You can use the Green Button to let us know if you concerned about things at home, a situation with a member of staff or something going on with students inside or outside school. For example, this may include social and emotional issues, bullying, or friendship/relationship problems. Please note that The Green Button is not monitored 24 hours a day and may not be checked during the school holidays. 

Counselling service at The Swan School

At The Swan School, we care for our students’ mental health and wellbeing and we support them in many ways. However, if you feel that you need extra help because things are especially tough, you might request to attend counselling within the school. You can ask your tutor or the pastoral team to refer you or you can refer yourself by emailing [email protected].uk. Your request will be kept confidential.

Below are some useful links where you can get help, guidance and support

Mental Health Support

Oxfordshire Mind– Part of the national mind system. Self referrals available through their website 

NHS Talking Therapies– Self referral system provided by NHS to support those who suffer from Anxiety and Depression

Papyrus– A suicide prevention charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of psoitive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. 

Young Minds– Focussed on supporting young people and their mental health. They support people to not feel alone and unsupported with their mental health. 

CAMHS Self Care – CAMHS service focused on supporting and self care. Also has links for parents and carers.

SHOUT – Free confidential 24/7 text service to support with mental health

Young Carer Support:

Be Free Young CarersA charity group devoted to improving young carers’ wellbeing and opportunities, through the provision of recreational, emotional and social support

LGBT+ Links

TopazAn LGBT+ Youth Organisation who are recommended by the OCC. They run youth groups to support young people with a safe space to explore their feeling and gain a better understanding of themselves. 

Galop is a group who help support LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence.

Other Useful Links:

Childline – Help is there for you. Ring any time for confidential telephone counselling on Freephone 0800 1111 or for lots of interesting info about how you are feeling and what can help

Children Heard and Seen support children, young people and their families who are impacted by parental imprisonment. As the prison population continues to rise, so does the number of children impacted. 

ThinkUKnowprotecting young people online. Also has good links for parents/carers 

National Bullying Helplinesupports with bullying within school.

CafcassSupport for those with family breakdowns and divorcing parents.