Parental Request Forms

Request for student absence

Ensuring that your child has excellent attendance is the most effective thing you can do so support their education. Every day of school missed by a student means that they are missing out on vital learning opportunities. We expect Swan students to attend school every single day, with a minimum attendance expectation of 97%.

Where possible, we ask parents to arrange appointments outside of school time and we do not authorise any holidays during term time – penalty fines will be issued. In exceptional circumstances, parents may request for their child to be absent from school. You will need to submit a request via this form. You can find more information regarding absences by reading our Attendance Policy.

Request to miss extended day

Our extended day is an essential part of the Swan  experience and something that all families sign up to when they students enrol in the school. This time allows us to offer enrichment activities in the form of electives, independent study periods, and extra intervention classes for those who need it.

In exceptional circumstances, for example elite sport or music, parents can apply for their child to take part in an activity outside of school during the extended day. You will need to submit a request via this form. You can find more information regarding absences by reading our Attendance Policy.

Please note that permission will only be granted on rare occasions as we believe that participating in enrichment together is a really important way to build our school community.

Apply for a locker

Student lockers are available for an annual charge of £5 per academic year.  

Students must follow the rules below in order to keep their locker:

  • Keep their locker locked closed even when not in use

  • Not use other people’s lockers

  • Not use padlocks from home

  • Not change the combination code

  • Not keep anything that will go off in your locker.

  • Switch phones off when in lockers

  • Take full responsibility for any items left in lockers.

To apply for a locker, parents need to pay for the locker on Parentmail (under Payments – Shop). Students and parents will then be emailed with details of the locker number and its padlock combination code. Should students forget the combination, they can have a reminder from student reception.

Application for free school meals

All Swan students eat lunch together as part of our ‘family dining’ service. Families on low incomes are entitled to have this meal for free. 

To apply for free school meals, click the link below, and fill out the online application form. Please contact the school office if you need help with this.

Update School Caterers about Food Allergies and Special Diets

Our school lunches are all vegetarian. Please click on the button below to update our caterers about any food allergies or special diets that your child may have.

Please note you should also update us about all allergies, special diets or medical conditions your child has by updating My Child At School.

Application for bursary support

We want all Swan students to be able to participate fully in all aspects of school life and hope that financial circumstances will never be a barrier to any child benefiting from opportunities that the school has to offer. We are able to provide some assistance to families in need to help lower the cost of school activities.